The Dov Charney vs American Apparel farce

The ongoing fights and disputes between ex American Apparel CEO Dov Charney and his former employer is something that could have been taken straight out off the satirical cartoon TV-series Family Guy. I will admit that my own knowledge about this case is limited at best, but i will say that it is something out of the ordinary.

Head over to the NY Post to delve deeper in to this unfortunate real life story.

School’s out (for summer)!

The day is finally here, the day of our very last exam of our very first year at the school of Business, economics and law at the University of Gothenburg! Long sentence there…and the school year has at times felt equally long, long and hard fought. But in the end we prevailed and did so with great honor i have to say.

The exam intself (financial accounting) felt “good” yesterday…i don’t dare to say more than that because if i do, i’m positive that i will jinx it! It did feel good…we were allowed to have the reference book for swedish corporate and accounting law and policy to use during the exam and i have to say that i’m slowly getting used to quickly find the answer to all life’s questions in that little book. Perhaps i should have studied law instead? But nah…business and economics is where my heart lies..i have really hit home with this field of study it has to be said.

After the exam yesterday i went for an extended lunch with my good friends from school, champagnethe weather really was crap with rain all day but we eventually found cover at the local restaurant close to school. I rounded of the day with a nice beef pasta and a few beers.

Today is day two. Now i’m sitting at my mother’s place waiting to eat some good food and crack my champagne (yes). After that i’ll be heading out to spend the day and night with my friends. This is going to be a good one.


So long!

/ Mika

Entering the last week..


So here we are at the last week of school and studies before the summer break. The final exam (in financial management/accounting) is on Friday, and whether i like it or not i’m bound to the books more or less every available moment this week.

I would lie if i said that it’s all rosy, but hey, you don’t always love your job right? You do what you need to and that’s that.

Can’t wait to be sitting with the exam finally in front of me on Friday, really…